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Dato/date: 5. December

Tidspunkt/time: 17:00 - 19.00 (match starts at 19:30) 

Lokation/location: Lille sal V10, Vesterbrogade 10, 8800 Viborg 

Pris/price: Gratis, men kræver tilmelding! Send en sms til Nanna på 24 75 65 51 med ønsket antal billetter - der er kun 50 pladser! 
Free, but registration is mandatory - send a text to Nanna on 24 75 65 51 with how many tickets you'd like to book - limited spots: we've only got 50 tickets!

Unavngivet (1)

Gå ikke glip af en sjov, hyggelig og GRATIS aften med pizza, drinks, banko og fodbold på Viborg Stadion 🥳


Vi skal spise pizza, have lidt at drikke🥤🍽, spille banko og høre slagsange inden vi i fælles flok går mod Energi Viborg Arena hvor kvindelandsholdet møder Island i kampen om at komme til OL 2024! 🎵


Kom som du er! - vi sørger for alt lige fra mad, drikke og billetter 😎


*Deltagelse kræver at du går på en videregående uddannelse i Viborg 

(Via University College, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole, Erhvervsakademi Dania eller The Animation workshop).




Don't miss a fun, cozy and FREE night with pizza, drinks, bingo game and soccer on Viborg Stadium 🥳


We're going to eat pizza, have something to drink🥤🍽, play bingo and listen to warm-up songs before we, as a unity, walk to Energi Viborg Arena where the female national soccer team of Denmark play against Iceland in the battle of getting a spot in the OL 2024! 🎵


Show up as you are - we've got you covered in both food, drinks and tickets! 😎


*You need to study on a higher education in Viborg to participate (Via University College, Aarhus Maskinmesterskole, Erhvervsakademi Dania or The Animation workshop).